Language is raw, with about 75 f-bombs and other miscellaneous profanity. On the sex front, there's quite a bit of nudity and sex throughout, and there's some sexualized threat and violence aimed at Piper. There's also comically exaggerated gore and blood spurts, but again, that's to be expected. Violence also abounds, with limbs getting blown off, stabbings, beatings, car crashes, explosions, cop-killing, and a gun from Hell that can make pretty much anything spontaneously combust. It's all in hilariously bad taste, and tame by grindhouse standards, but it's still pretty offensive. One of the most hilariously sleazy (and offensive) scenes occurs when Milton is simultaneously having sex with a woman, blowing the heads off of about 10 men with a shotgun, chomping on a cigar, and drinking a bottle of Jack Daniel's whiskey. And, once again, this isn't a kiddie flick. Yeah, this is a pretty basic plotline, but it's trashy enough to make you smile. Together in her Dodge Charger, they travel cross-country to stop the cult. He is joined by a sexy waitress named Piper, whose boyfriend had just recently left her. In Drive Angry, a man named John Milton comes up from Hell to save his baby granddaughter from being sacrificed by a cult leader who sacrificed his daughter. Like Piranha 3D before it, Drive Angry relies on every gimmick in the book to make B-film lovers rejoice.


The sort of movie that makes you say "What was that?" And "Why am I driving a Kia Soul?" It's the sort of gonzo orgy of violence, pithy profanity and sex that the movies used to deliver in the golden age of the American muscle car.
The gunplay is funny in this "Ghost Rider is Gone in 60 Seconds" mashup.Ĭage stars as John Milton - a pause while English majors guffaw - a dead man who busts out of Hell in a '65 Buick Riviera, hunts down the cult that killed his daughter and plans to sacrifice his granddaughter on the next full moon in a '69 Dodge Charger, arrives at the climax with a 1971 Chevrolet Chevelle SS and rides off into the sunset. "Drive Angry" is a very entertaining B-, C- or D-movie, an over-the-top and in-your-face grindhouse gore, guns and "gun it" picture that's about epic shootouts, bone-snapping brawls, bare breasts and muscle cars. Nobody gives better value in bad movies than the sleepy-eyed Oscar winner with a gift for picking bad movies. "DRIVE ANGRY 3D" - ★★★★1/2 - Nicolas Cage, Amber Heard, William Fichtner, Billy Burke, David Morse R (strong brutal violence, grisly images, graphic sexual content, nudity and language) in general releaseĪ little respect, if you please, for His Satanic Majesty Nicolas Cage.